Reasons to Visit Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a mystical wonder and everyone should try to see it at least once in their lifetime. Listed below are some of the many reasons to visit Stonehenge. If you are planning a visit to England, you should consider this ancient stone circle. You must plan enough time to see all of the important prehistoric points of interest at this site. You will need about two hours to fully appreciate the site. The visitor centre has a gift shop and can be a great place to spend an afternoon.

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One of the most intriguing reasons to visit Stonehenge is its age. The construction of this ancient monument took around 1,500 years. The site has three main stages – the earthwork structure, a circular ditch with a bank, and the timber arrangements. The earliest of these stages was probably 3,500 years ago. After construction, people continued to add to the monument, rearranging its stones and building the enclosure ditch.

You can learn about Neolithic culture in the visitor centre. Exhibits at the Stonehenge visitor centre showcase the site’s history and construction. You can also explore the exhibition, which has archeological treasures and human remains. You can download an audio guide and even listen to the guide while touring the monument. If you want to get the full experience of the Stonehenge monument, you can choose a guided tour or book a private tour. For more information on Things to do in Salisbury, go to

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The monument is a mystical site, with a history as old as three thousand years. The construction was done during the transition between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Its pattern matches the sun’s rays, which makes it even more mysterious. The builders did not have the tools to calculate this symmetry. It is a wonder to see how much of a masterpiece was built at Stonehenge, but its precise alignment and purpose are still a mystery.

A visit to Stonehenge is an experience that is unlike any other. It’s an experience that has three distinct phases. The first phase involves the emotional walk up to the site. The second phase is a shared experience, while the third phase is solitary. The final phase is deep, healing, and full of gladness. The stone circle has captured the imagination of the world for millennia. If you’re looking for a unique spot to visit, make sure to plan your visit to this ancient site.


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