You may not know these Highway Code facts

Car horn

It can be very frustrating to be near someone who is honking in traffic or simply making a nuisance of themselves. The law is very clear: you must not use your horn when stationary on a road except where there is an immediate danger present.

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Lights and the law

Put simply, the law requires sidelights and number plate lights to be illuminated between sunset and sunrise.


The exception to this law – aside from medical exemptions – is if you are doing multi-drop deliveries in a goods vehicle and travelling fewer than 50 feet between drops. If travelling along the English or Welsh coast campers need to ensure they are all buckled up.

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Legal alcohol limits

Don’t assume that if you are under the legal limit in England, you can take that jaunt north across the border. Whilst the limit in England is 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, it is only 50mg in Scotland.

Loading a trailer or caravan

The basic rule is to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed as much as possible, with the bulk centred over the axle. When you need Trailer Parts, go to Auto and Trailer

Smoking in cars

It is illegal to smoke in an enclosed vehicle in which there is a passenger under the age of 18. There is an exception to the ‘enclosed’ vehicle rule for campers that are being used as accommodation; however, when they are on the move, the ban still applies.

Mobility vehicles and dual carriageways

Remarkably, a class three mobility scooter can legally drive along a dual carriageway on which the speed limit is 50 mph or less.

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