Three Ways to Volunteer in Retirement

Retirement is an exciting time, but for some people it can also be a little strange and can bring up some negative emotions. Many people who retire make changes to suit their new life, from moving to a more suitable home like these Gloucester park homes for sale, to planning a long holiday. However, the lack of daily routine and having no work to go to, can cause some people to feel low, bored and useless at times.

These feelings are perfectly normal, especially when going through a big life change like retirement. Something that you can do to combat them, and to help both yourself and others is volunteering. Here are a few ideas of ways that you can volunteer and enrich your life, as well as helping others…

Animal Rescue – There are always animals in desperate need of help, and if you are an animal lover this could be perfect for you. There are lots of ways of helping out with homeless animals, from fostering an animal in your home to helping out at an animal rescue centre. Since lockdown and the boom in pet buying, many rescue centres now have a huge surge of unwanted animals to find homes for since life returned to normal and are desperate for help. Have a look in your local area to find animal rescue charities that could do with some help.

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Food Bank – The cost of living crisis has increased the number of people that rely on food banks and as well as donating to food banks, volunteers are also needed to sort the food and make sure that it gets to those who need it most. Especially around the festive season, demand for food banks is high and this is expected to rise this winter as families struggle to afford food as well as the rising fuel bills.

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Charity Shop – A charity shop is a great way to spend some time helping out and also to socialise and keep busy. Charity shops are always in need of volunteers to work on the tills, as well as to sort out the donations and to price them. If you are missing being in a workplace, then this could be the ideal thing to help you.

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